Everyone must read the departmental Safety manual before commencing work in the department.

A signed declaration statement is required by each person before they begin work or study in the department.

Safety of visitors is the responsibility of the person in Chemical Engineering who is hosting them or bringing them into the department. If a visitor will only be in Chemical Engineering for one day or less, AND will not be performing any laboratory duties, they should be accompanied at all times so we ensure they are kept safe. If the visitor will be staying for longer than one day AND/OR they will be working in a laboratory, they should read this safety manual and sign the Department of Chemical Engineering Safety Expectations. Under OHSA, visitor safety is our responsibility.

Anyone in Chemical Engineering who brings in an independent contractor or service person shall ensure that:

  1. relevant safety standards are communicated to the person or company
  2. the contractor or service person follows the Chemical Engineering safety standards, OHSA Regulations and OHSA Industrial Regulations.

Following these safety standards and regulations is a condition of doing work in Chemical Engineering. All contractors who enter the Department of Chemical Engineering must be cleared with the Safety Officer. Under OHSA, contractor's safety is our responsibility and we (Department/University) are liable for any accidents. The Safety Officer will decide if a signed declaration is necessary.